How to send mail to DBA immediately when DMERROR.LOG is updated? (DBMR2257)

~ 0 min
2016-03-18 03:26

Once DMERROR.LOG is updated, DBMaker will immediately send DBA an email of which the content is “Please see the alter message in C:\DBMaker5.2\DMERROR.LOG”. (“C:\DBMaker5.2\DMERROR.LOG” will be replaced with the actual path of DMERROR.LOG for different users) The one thing users need to do is setting DB_ERMRv and EB_ERMSv in dmconfig.ini.

For example:

DB_ERMSV =                  ;SMTP server address

DB_ERMRV =        ;DBA’s email aeddresses


Version: DBMaker4.x/5.x

Product: Normal/Bundle

Platform: Windows/Linux

Average rating 0 (0 Votes)

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