How to start/ stop dmserver and how to check dmserver status in redhat linux?

~ 0 min
2016-03-10 03:40

we can put DBSAMPLE5 as a sample in this case.

1. The methods for start and stop dmserver in Linux as follows:

1)       startup dmserver:

/home/DBMaker/5.2/bin/dmserver DBSAMPLE5

2)       stop dmserver (Use client tool dmsqlc )

dmsqlc>connect to DBSAMPLE5 SYSADM;

dmsqlc>terminate db;


Note: Customer also can use command to shutdown db but this not recommends way.

/home/DBMaker/5.2/bin/dmserver –k DBSAMPLE5

2. The methods for check dmserver status in Linux description as follows:

Customer can use ps command ” ps -ef | grep dmserver” to check dmserver process whether exist and still need to check shared memory and clean shared memory .we suggests user restart operating system to solve this problem.

Version: DBMaker4 series / 5 series

Product: Normal / Bundle

Platform: All Linux

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