How to avoid the limitation when the situation multi-thread uses same connection handle to call server function (DBMR2299)?

~ 0 min
2016-03-18 03:04

Some unexpected behaviors (such as: hung-up) will be faced when multi-thread use same connection handle to call server function. we can set DB_MTIMO to solve the problem.

DB_MTIMO = 0/n (off/ seconds)

DB_MTIMO used to ensure only one odbc function will be executed for one connection in the same time. Use latch to prevent another thread execute the odbc function with the same connection handle in the same time.


Although we can set this keyword to solve the multi-thread problem but we still don’t recommend that user setting it in many usual situations, because it may cause performance down or some unknown exceptions.


Version: DBMaker5.x

Product: Normal

Platform: Windows

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