What should we Notice for upgrade dbmaker 4.3 to 5.1 in applications side (DBMR: 1975)

~ 0 min
2016-03-09 09:43

Notice in application side:

ODBC Driver: if application refers to Driver name (such as “Driver= {DBMaker 4.3 Driver}…”), user should modify it to 5.1 driver.

DSN: if application refers to DSN, user should recreate the DSN by 5.1 Driver.

If referred to dmapi43.lib, user should replace it with dmapi51.lib;

If referred to 4.3 include file, user should replace it with 5.1 include file.

JDBC Driver: if used CLASSPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, user should modify them to refer to 5.1 related files.

DDL: When used DDL, user should adjust long of each column depending on UTF8 DB;

And if migrated db is 5.0 and after 5.0 versions, user should notice limitations of object naming.

NOTE: DBMaker5.1 has added a new keyword DB_CLILCODE, when use multilingual database and the LCODE of the Database Server is UTF-8, client side can use several local codes to connect to the UTF-8 database server.

Version: DBMaker 5.1

Product: Normal, Bundle

Platform: Linux, Windows

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