Sometimes, monitoring the database sessions with JDBATool finds that the connection of the ASP page is not released when the connection.close method is executed. Then it remains up for about 40 seconds, why? (From DBMR1797 ;)

~ 0 min
2016-03-07 11:12

It is not DBMaker Server’s behavior; the connection remains because the client does not release connection actually. The reason may be IIS, ADO or ODBC Driver has connection pooling.

DBMaker server is able to break a connection forcibly, but it is not able to inform client to release connection. If user wants to control connection timeout in ASP, please investigate IIS, ADO and ODBC connection pooling. BTW, if some client program don’t release opened connection actively, DBMaker can break idle connections via setting keywords DB_DtClt and DB_ITimO in dmconfig.ini file.

We guess: When performing open connection operation in ASP code, IIS can load ADO component and create a connection to DBMaker via ADO. But performing close connection operation even if destroy connection object (set conn = nothing) in ASP code, IIS does not release this connection from DBMaker immediately. After this, if we open any page which connect to DBMaker, IIS uses existence connection but not create a new connection. If no new request during a long period (such as 40 seconds), IIS will release this connection.

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